Why I Dislike Scripture
Before you call me a heretic, or un-Christian, lemme explain, please.
I love the Bible. I love that God has provided us a written word that we can grow from, and learn the truths of His grace, love, and glory.
The fact that a Holy God has provided us a manuscript to know Him greater, is beyond comprehension to me. I can’t fathom it.
Going back to the truth aspect, the thing I like most about Scripture is its relevancy and truth. Those also happen to be the things I dislike most.
Filter It
Recently, I was at a comedy show at Dallas Comedy House. I enjoy laughter, so I went with a buddy, and the show was quite hilarious. The comedian used a German accent for the first 1/3 of his show, I legitimately thought he might be German. (only for a few moments.)
The show reached a point where it went religious, and something happened that surprised me. The comedian questioned the audience. “Is any one here a Christian? Raise your hand.”
I didn’t raise mine.
Kingship and You.
Think for a moment if you will, about your life. Think about what happens when things don’t go according to plan, or when coming up with a plan is difficult. Think about when someone else had an agenda for you and your life. All these situations are not fun, and can result in having an idol, in our lives.
For me, I desire to lead, to exert leadership. Control. Leadership is my control idol. I have a natural tendency to be a leader. Whether good or bad, I tend to have the ability to be the leader. When I don’t get the opportunity to lead, I get frustrated pretty easily, because I have an insight that would make the situation better, at least in my mind. Leadership can become an idol pretty quickly in my life, if I don’t keep my heart in check, and the Lord on the forefront of my mind.
Looking back at “according to plan,” what’s this say to you? I think you’ve got something in mind. It doesn’t have to be what I deal with. Maybe in control looks like making sure your body looks the right way, and you control it with the way you eat (or don’t eat.)
Maybe you deal with lack of control, and hurt yourself. Maybe it is control over other people, and playing mind games with them. Whatever it is, you know your version of control, and what dangers lurk within. You know the control that these items have over you.
In the book of Joshua, God tells us to be strong and courageous, because He is with is. While this passage is talking about the calling God had over the life of Joshua, I think we can pull some important items from it, describing the character of God.
Scripture tells us that God is the same always. Specifically it says, “He’s the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” So we know that His presence in our lives is unchanging, and that He constantly seeks to have communion with us.
It’s at this point that I think we should establish that idols don’t necessarily have to be something we like. An idol is anything that we either submit to, or allow to have control over our lives. We can enjoy it, but sometimes we don’t like it at all.
It’s because God desires to have communion with us that He also deserves to have the place in our lives that we submit completely to him. Let’s interchange the words idol and control with kingship; because Christ is king. Psalm 22:28 states “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.”
Not only does God desire that kingship over our lives, it’s already His!
Finally, 1 Peter 5:6 gives us the best course of action for our lives, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.”
Submit to the kingship of the Lord, because He’s worthy of it, and because making Him an idol in your life, won’t let you down. Let His control and direction be what you submit to, what you let control you, because in the end, it’ll allow you to be used of God, and exalt you to better make Him known.
– Jarin
Dr. Pepper and Heineken
Rebellion is something you hear about semi-regularly if you attend church much. Rebellion could be against God or man/the world.
Let me tell you a little about my rebellion since I’ve had my fair share of rebellious moments against God and my family. But, this is one is epic, so let me give you this scenario: I was a senior in high school on spring break AND it was my 18th birthday. I was feeling like I was king of the world and could do no wrong.
I decided not to go home that week, choosing to spend time with my friends and crash at one of their houses rather than spend time with my family. I only went home to change clothes, disrespect my mom, and grab some money out of my hidden stash. We had a “good” time that week, fighting each other in air soft gun wars, cruising town in Shane’s ’64 Ford Galaxy, and calling Bret’s mom to get “permission” to drink her beer that had been taunting us in the fridge, mixing it with Dr. Pepper, which is the WORST thing I have ever tasted.
In our my rebellion, I disregarded what was important, which was to honor my God through obedience. See, I was a Christian, very active in student leadership in my youth group, and growing in my relationship with the Lord. I also wanted to experience more out of life and wanted control of it. I laugh now, realizing how stupid of a kid I was. I also see that I had an opportunity to grow.
Romans 5:19-20 talks about how disobedience brought about the law by which we’re held accountable. The law entered the world by the action of one man, Adam. We always have a choice to choose God or man and any choice that disobeys God is rebellion.
But, the end of Romans 5:19-20 says that while sin abounds, God’s grace is EVERMORE present. So, while I am a wretched, sinful man, God sees more and even desires to use me. Even when I was a dumb kid who rebelled against God and my mom, God knew that He still wanted to use me.
So now, since I’ve been rebellious, I see rebellion from the inverse side and see it as something to strive for. Wait, what? Yep. I strive to rebel against the standard of the world. I work to choose God with every action and every decision. It’s not always easy and I do often fail. I need to constantly remind myself to “seek first the kingdom of God.” (Matt 6:33)
God willing, I’ll be better at honoring Him as our relationship continues to grow. I hope I also become better at honoring my parents and family as I seek to obey them even now as an adult.
Rebellion is something to strive for and avoid. You have the choice to rebel against the world or God. Make the right choice.
Don’t Categorize
First, as you’ll notice, I am a guy, and I write like one. I am part of The Blush Network , and I hope you’re cool with that.
Now then.
I always seem to think about what dangers lurk in ministry. Not physical dangers, but dangers to the Gospel. The danger of dismissal is one that I keep constantly in mind.
Dismissal can be filed under ‘categorization.’ What do I mean? Let me explain.
In all of our lives, we have those select few people who are just ‘that guy,’ or ‘that girl.’ They’re just the token ‘____.’
Or, try this scenario out. I’ve recently been in contact with a gal I dated years ago. Nothing romantic – we were just catching up. I’ve learned that in the time following our break up years ago that she’s since ‘lost her faith.’ She thought I’d ignore her or decide that talking to her would be a waste of my time, so she was reluctant to tell me where she was at this point in her life.
This is where I tell you one thing. Be intentional with the Gospel with your relationships in dating and in non-dating. Being intentional with the Gospel of Jesus Christ should drive your every interaction.
Being intentional looks like letting the understanding of who you are and who Christ is drive your interactions.
If you’re tracking with me still, and I hope you are, the young lady was under the impression that my attitude toward her would change. Much to her surprise, it didn’t. To quote her, “…also a good feeling to not be categorized by a religious person, based on that single factor.”
That should mean the world, right? The person will be surprised by knowing that you value them like God does and delight in knowing that you will not disassociate from them based on differing beliefs.
However, keep in mind that you’re not necessarily condoning a different lifestyle or sinful natures. You’re simply showing that person they’re of value, as Romans 5:8 so clearly states: “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
That Scripture shows us the infinite value of life and should give us the push we need to love others.
Back to my original point. I am that “token” person. I get typecast as the funny guy. I get overlooked for opportunities to speak or teach because I am funny. While I can deal with it and press on, not everyone can do that and some people get really hurt by church people typecasting them because they’re good at something.
So, for people who know the Lord, make sure that you shuffle positions around in your ministries every so often. This’ll do a couple things — first, it’ll ensure that your people don’t get burnt out, but it’ll also allow for others to bring new ideas to the table and hone new skills.
If you’ve kept reading after my opening couple sentences, congratulations, you’ve already worked against categorizing me. Thank you for that.
You know, they say that only a few things in life are constant. Some say, “Death and Taxes,” others say “change, is the only constant.” I’d agree with change. So much changes so often, and so quickly!
I recently became victim to change, again. I graduated college. I got a new job, after having the same for 5 years. I made new friends, I had to learn a new group dynamic, I am moving to a new residence, and will have to learn a new route to work. I will have to learn a different timing, and learn how to live with new roommates.
All change.
Is Your Love Like The Dew?
Guest Blog by Alex Martinez
There have been several times I’ve forgotten my godly routines. To be honest, it seems there are more of those routines than I can count. I’d probably get lost after the tenth or eleventh one I can name. The most prominent and forgotten routine is praying for my food before taking that first bite. And you know what? People who know I’m a believer, including other believers and non-believers alike, have stopped me after taking that big juicy “I’m-freaking-hungry” bite and asked, “Did you pray for that?”
Most times I explain my actions – “Well you see, I don’t always pray for my food because I simply forget sometimes and other times, I just don’t.” The ultra-conservatives usually snicker at me or look offended as they awkwardly move on to the next subject. The non-believers look absolutely lost and confused. Although it’s biblically proven praying before meals is always a good thing, I don’t think it is proven praying for my meals means I love God. I’ve seen several of my non-believing friends, who grew up in church, pray before meals. I ask them afterwards why they prayed, and the usual answer is “It’s how I was raised.”
I find the first manner in which these routines are defended by believers is, “We need to sacrifice certain things for Jesus”. I’m quickly reminded of how some people treat lent, as opposed to the biblical reason for lent. So you gave up your time and prayed for your meal; So you gave up video games for a whole week; So you don’t eat meat on Fridays in the span of forty days; So what? Is any voluntary sacrifice of personal time truly an act of love to the one true God, Creator of the universe?
Current Climate? HOSTILE.
It’s been a few days since the election for the President of the United States, and President Obama has been re-elected for a second term in office. So, even those people who live under a rock should know what’s going down now. That being said, if you didn’t know, well, SURPRISE!
It’s been long enough now that Facebook has calmed down a bit, at least in my group of online friends. It seems many times huge events draw so much fervor. It rages for days and days and days, then, suddenly, disappears. KONY 2012, Facebook Gold, football, and the list goes on and on. These all gather so much distress, or praise, and people get upset or on fire for them, then suddenly it’s withered away
So, now that many people have calmed down, I think it’s safe to make some assertions about how the Body of Christ should react to the re-election of Obama. So many people want to call him the anti-Christ, or talk about how terrible he is, or how Texas should secede from the Union. We’ve heard all this before, right? But is it right?
Misnomer: We Become Angels?
Misnomer: We become angels when we die.
When we die, what happens? As followers of Christ, those who are dead in Christ, what happens to us? Do we become angels, to meet the requests or guide our loved ones?
I don’t think so. Not that I don’t want to think that we do, or that they’re able to do so for me. The sentiment is great, and helps ease the pain of missing them, and helps us cope. I get that, and that we don’t want to hurt. But they’re not there to guide us, or intercede on our behalf.
Getting heavy here. Look, I know, many of our readers may not agree with me here. And your disagreement is welcomed, provided it’s also bringing conversation. I’d love to chat with you!
Moving forward.
Misnomers: To Thine Own Self Be True
Please tell me I’m not alone in hearing this saying attributed to being in scripture, “To thine own self be true.” Wow. Is it a matter of conscience, a matter of identity, or a matter of morals? I’ve heard leaders say it, I’ve heard teachers at Christian colleges say it.
First, I’d like to point out that it’s actually a line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It is not in the Bible, nor is it a part of Christian theology. Like my previous post, it’s really opposite what Scripture teaches.
Basic Christian theology establishes the Word of God as our basis for thoughts and understanding. That all Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, etc. This is found in 2nd Timothy 3:16.
Understanding that helps to understand why this series I’m working on is important. It’s an effort to help weed out things that ARE NOT part of our scripture. We can get into debates about canonization via email if you want. But you have to, as a Christian, believe that God gave us His Word, as a tool to use for our success in winning the lost and teaching believers; For His glory. That being said, I do believe the word of God, in its canonized state is what God has for us.
Alright, stepping off the soap box, and getting back on track.