


So, we’re looking at a week out from the SCOTUS decision. There’s a ton of speculation and chatter about the legality of it, and the encroachment of state rights. But what does it really matter? How are you physically affected? Chances are, you’re not. Perhaps you are, maybe now you’ve got the right to be married, and it’ll be legally recognized.


I’ll start by saying, I support a traditional marriage. I don’t hate non-traditional marriages. What would I define as a traditional marriage? Glad you (I) asked.  I’d define a traditional marriage as a marriage between a man and a woman, devoid of divorce and adultery.

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God is not the Ice Cream Man

When I take a shower – I get to reflect on the previous day, or the upcoming day or circumstances I’m in. It’s quiet, and distraction free. God meets me there, but not in a weird way.


I have been thinking about relationships, and the things that surround them. I have been thinking about friends and their lives, and how to encourage them. I’ve been thinking about God and what His presence looks like. And I realized something.


God isn’t the guy who drives the Ice Cream truck.

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Swift Kick in The Keister

Yo, listen. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop being desperate. Stop craving attention or interaction, or companionship.

Stop seeking false pity, or empty compliments. It’s unbecoming – but not uncommon. I fall guilty of this often, too. Even Divinely inspired authors fell victim to these behaviours:

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Wonder vs Wander // Lost

I’ve been seeing a lot of the mantra “not all those who wander, are lost.” I hate it, but it did get me started thinking. More about our walk with Christ, than exploring. How often do you get concerned for someone who has doubt? Maybe those who start asking questions as Christians that might challenge what you’ve always heard?

I’m often guilty of this, as I know many of you are as well. Somehow in our Christian culture we have this mindset where we can’t question things or can’t feel free to work through concepts without feeling guilty or shaming others.

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The art of loving someone other than yourself.

I recently began reading a post on Reddit, where the question was asked, “As a Christian, what do you struggle with most?” The responses are overwhelmingly similar.

Most sat around the idea of loving others. Some mentioned temptation, and others mentioned trust. But the most prevalent theme was loving others. Loving others, as a Christian, seems to be the hardest.

I wonder where this stems from. Why is it so hard for people to genuinely care about others? To me, it seems like a foreign concept, because I feel I do it well. I try to think about being intentional with strangers and new people I meet, to portray the Gospel.

But it didn’t always come “natural” to me.

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Never give money to anyone.

Hi. I want 20 bucks. Can I have it? Will you give it to me?

If you knew me, you’d probably spot me.

But what if I was homeless?

Would your attitude change then? Probably. Why?

Our culture usually associates homelessness with failure, drugs and alcohol, among other things.

So, if I was homeless you’d probably assume I was going to use it on the wrong things and offer to buy me something, like food or a jacket, in an attempt to protect me from myself.

Churchy people would use a word like discernment. How do you exercise discernment? What does discernment mean?

They’ll tell you something like “let the Spirit lead you.” What the H does that even mean? (pardon my letter.)

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You know, they say that only a few things in life are constant. Some say, “Death and Taxes,” others say “change, is the only constant.” I’d agree with change. So much changes so often, and so quickly!

I recently became victim to change, again. I graduated college. I got a new job, after having the same for 5 years. I made new friends, I had to learn a new group dynamic, I am moving to a new residence, and will have to learn a new route to work. I will have to learn a different timing, and learn how to live with new roommates.

All change.

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Misnomer: We Become Angels?

Misnomer: We become angels when we die.

When we die, what happens? As followers of Christ, those who are dead in Christ, what happens to us? Do we become angels, to meet the requests or guide our loved ones?

I don’t think so. Not that I don’t want to think that we do, or that they’re able to do so for me. The sentiment is great, and helps ease the pain of missing them, and helps us cope. I get that, and that we don’t want to hurt. But they’re not there to guide us, or intercede on our behalf.

Getting heavy here. Look, I know, many of our readers may not agree with me here. And your disagreement is welcomed, provided it’s also bringing conversation. I’d love to chat with you!

Moving forward.

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Misnomers: To Thine Own Self Be True

Please tell me I’m not alone in hearing this saying attributed to being in scripture, “To thine own self be true.” Wow. Is it a matter of conscience, a matter of identity, or a matter of morals? I’ve heard leaders say it, I’ve heard teachers at Christian colleges say it.

First, I’d like to point out that it’s actually a line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It is not in the Bible, nor is it a part of Christian theology. Like my previous post, it’s really opposite what Scripture teaches.

Basic Christian theology establishes the Word of God as our basis for thoughts and understanding. That all Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, etc. This is found in 2nd Timothy 3:16.

Understanding that helps to understand why this series I’m working on is important. It’s an effort to help weed out things that ARE NOT part of our scripture. We can get into debates about canonization via email if you want. But you have to, as a Christian, believe that God gave us His Word, as a tool to use for our success in winning the lost and teaching believers; For His glory. That being said, I do believe the word of God, in its canonized state is what God has for us.

Alright, stepping off the soap box, and getting back on track.

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Misnomers: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.

Growing up in a geographical location where it would be considered the Bible Belt and living in Texas, you hear some misappropriated things claiming to be Scripture. Usually it’s something someone said in a sermon, and it’s been skewed. OR it’s something that’s been said so often, that people ASSUME it’s in the Bible. The one I heard most growing up? “God helps those who help themselves.”

Good grief. Not only is this phrase misapplied applied as the Word of God, its anti-God. Wait, what?

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