Grace, for the Chief of Sinners, and Fred Phelps
As of this writing, Fred Phelps is still alive, but the message will remain the same upon his eventual passing.
I’ve been seeing an alarming amount of posts on social media outlets, rejoicing about the coming death of Phelps. The majority of these people are people who would claim a relationship with Christ.
I am deeply saddened by this.
Immediately I’m reminded of 1 John 4:20. I’ll paraphrase it, You’re a liar if you say you love God, but hate your brother. (You might not agree that Phelps is your brother, but humor me.)
Proverbs tells us that hatred stirs discord/strife. As a Christian, your response should never employ hatred. Ever. There should be no desire for revenge, or payback.
Do I agree with the Westboro Baptist Church?
Current Climate? HOSTILE.
It’s been a few days since the election for the President of the United States, and President Obama has been re-elected for a second term in office. So, even those people who live under a rock should know what’s going down now. That being said, if you didn’t know, well, SURPRISE!
It’s been long enough now that Facebook has calmed down a bit, at least in my group of online friends. It seems many times huge events draw so much fervor. It rages for days and days and days, then, suddenly, disappears. KONY 2012, Facebook Gold, football, and the list goes on and on. These all gather so much distress, or praise, and people get upset or on fire for them, then suddenly it’s withered away
So, now that many people have calmed down, I think it’s safe to make some assertions about how the Body of Christ should react to the re-election of Obama. So many people want to call him the anti-Christ, or talk about how terrible he is, or how Texas should secede from the Union. We’ve heard all this before, right? But is it right?