Is Your Love Like The Dew?
Guest Blog by Alex Martinez
There have been several times I’ve forgotten my godly routines. To be honest, it seems there are more of those routines than I can count. I’d probably get lost after the tenth or eleventh one I can name. The most prominent and forgotten routine is praying for my food before taking that first bite. And you know what? People who know I’m a believer, including other believers and non-believers alike, have stopped me after taking that big juicy “I’m-freaking-hungry” bite and asked, “Did you pray for that?”
Most times I explain my actions – “Well you see, I don’t always pray for my food because I simply forget sometimes and other times, I just don’t.” The ultra-conservatives usually snicker at me or look offended as they awkwardly move on to the next subject. The non-believers look absolutely lost and confused. Although it’s biblically proven praying before meals is always a good thing, I don’t think it is proven praying for my meals means I love God. I’ve seen several of my non-believing friends, who grew up in church, pray before meals. I ask them afterwards why they prayed, and the usual answer is “It’s how I was raised.”
I find the first manner in which these routines are defended by believers is, “We need to sacrifice certain things for Jesus”. I’m quickly reminded of how some people treat lent, as opposed to the biblical reason for lent. So you gave up your time and prayed for your meal; So you gave up video games for a whole week; So you don’t eat meat on Fridays in the span of forty days; So what? Is any voluntary sacrifice of personal time truly an act of love to the one true God, Creator of the universe?
From the Dark comes Light.
In the last couple months, I’ve been in a funk; both spiritually and physically. Consequently, my ministry began to suffer, and my leadership of those around, too. I’ve been in a dark place for a good bit of time, and have recently begun to see the Light. I received a kick in the pants(metaphorically) by my good friend Shane, who writes here occasionally as well. My writing here won’t be as good as usual, I’ve not written in sometime. But here we go:
So begins a new journey, and pursuit of life intertwined with Christ.
Over the last few days, excitement and desire to serve Christ has been brewing. I’ve met some new people who are just as excited if not, more excited than I am, about ministry. Something profound that I’ve experienced is the desire to minister, brings opportunity.
Last night was such an opportunity.
I heard about a last minute concert that was featuring a band I’ve only ever dreamt of seeing. So, I asked an awesome gal, whom I met the day previously, to go with me. Can’t go to a concert alone, y’all. It was a lot of fun, and we really, at least in my opinion hit it off pretty well.
After we left, we went into Dallas, and explored. We looked at Christmas lights, and walked around. We decide to run into Downtown, and look at lights there.
Up walks James, a man who is homeless. Now, prior to meeting him, myself and this young lady were talking about ministry and how serving people was important, and about ministry goals in serving the homeless was of value. No more after than 3 minutes after reaching the end of the conversation we’re approached by James.
Now, in this moment, I could do one of two things. Either I could pass him by, which is not hard to do, or I could respond to the call to serve. We chose the later.
James hit us up for a couple bucks, and I said, “I’ll do ya one better, let’s buy you a meal.” James energetically agreed. We walk a bit and talk to him. Turns out he’s a Vietnam War vet, lost his job and was in state jail for something involving alcohol, but from speaking with him and listening to his story, I can tell his life is back on the straight and narrow. Praise God.
We get to the restaurant and order him a meal, and continue to talk with him. Then enters John. Just a random dude, with a “COEXIST” tattoo on his forearm. John says to me, “Y’all are awesome, man. It’s cool to see people with compassion.” I got an opportunity to present the Gospel really briefly with this guy.
I pray that God will speak and work on both gentlemen, both James and John. Interestingly, their names are both Biblical.
All this to say, I feel as though God placed me in a moment to “put my money where my mouth was,” and serve Him through serving James and John. I feel as if I am back and where I need to be, to effectively minister for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It feels good to be home.
Current Climate? HOSTILE.
It’s been a few days since the election for the President of the United States, and President Obama has been re-elected for a second term in office. So, even those people who live under a rock should know what’s going down now. That being said, if you didn’t know, well, SURPRISE!
It’s been long enough now that Facebook has calmed down a bit, at least in my group of online friends. It seems many times huge events draw so much fervor. It rages for days and days and days, then, suddenly, disappears. KONY 2012, Facebook Gold, football, and the list goes on and on. These all gather so much distress, or praise, and people get upset or on fire for them, then suddenly it’s withered away
So, now that many people have calmed down, I think it’s safe to make some assertions about how the Body of Christ should react to the re-election of Obama. So many people want to call him the anti-Christ, or talk about how terrible he is, or how Texas should secede from the Union. We’ve heard all this before, right? But is it right?
Misnomer: We Become Angels?
Misnomer: We become angels when we die.
When we die, what happens? As followers of Christ, those who are dead in Christ, what happens to us? Do we become angels, to meet the requests or guide our loved ones?
I don’t think so. Not that I don’t want to think that we do, or that they’re able to do so for me. The sentiment is great, and helps ease the pain of missing them, and helps us cope. I get that, and that we don’t want to hurt. But they’re not there to guide us, or intercede on our behalf.
Getting heavy here. Look, I know, many of our readers may not agree with me here. And your disagreement is welcomed, provided it’s also bringing conversation. I’d love to chat with you!
Moving forward.
Misnomers: To Thine Own Self Be True
Please tell me I’m not alone in hearing this saying attributed to being in scripture, “To thine own self be true.” Wow. Is it a matter of conscience, a matter of identity, or a matter of morals? I’ve heard leaders say it, I’ve heard teachers at Christian colleges say it.
First, I’d like to point out that it’s actually a line from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It is not in the Bible, nor is it a part of Christian theology. Like my previous post, it’s really opposite what Scripture teaches.
Basic Christian theology establishes the Word of God as our basis for thoughts and understanding. That all Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, etc. This is found in 2nd Timothy 3:16.
Understanding that helps to understand why this series I’m working on is important. It’s an effort to help weed out things that ARE NOT part of our scripture. We can get into debates about canonization via email if you want. But you have to, as a Christian, believe that God gave us His Word, as a tool to use for our success in winning the lost and teaching believers; For His glory. That being said, I do believe the word of God, in its canonized state is what God has for us.
Alright, stepping off the soap box, and getting back on track.
Misnomers: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.
Growing up in a geographical location where it would be considered the Bible Belt and living in Texas, you hear some misappropriated things claiming to be Scripture. Usually it’s something someone said in a sermon, and it’s been skewed. OR it’s something that’s been said so often, that people ASSUME it’s in the Bible. The one I heard most growing up? “God helps those who help themselves.”
Good grief. Not only is this phrase misapplied applied as the Word of God, its anti-God. Wait, what?
Embrace it, things are different…or are they?
This week, as part of my final semester in undergrad studies at Dallas Baptist University, I’m taking a course entitled “Cowboy Church Culture.” No joke. This is a real class, for real credit. In fact, the course is only a workweek long. 8am to 5pm most nights this week. I will receive 3 hours of college credit at the end.
You may ask yourself why, because if you know me, I don’t fit into that culture at all.
Duck Season. Rabbit Season…Voting Season..FIRE!
The time rapidly approaching. You know what time I’m talking about. I’m talking about voting. Politics. Christians. Do the two mix? Let’s explore this. I’ll first state, I will post no opinions on current candidates, so, if you’re getting your hopes, I’m sorry to dash your dreams.
Recently, I submitted my application for absentee ballot, as I am an out-of-state student. I will be voting. I am still wrestling with this idea. There is so much mud slinging on all sides, there’s also tons of apathy, and there’s tons of distortion of the facts and stances. As Christians go, do we need to vote?
Patronize this.
I was leaving church yesterday, and driving home. As I turn the corner in downtown that leads to my straight shot out of downtown, a young man walks across the street. I think nothing of it, until I notice his shirt. Now this is a shirt I’ve seen before and thought not a lot about it, except when a girl wore one to class at the Baptist university I attend.
The shirt reads, “Legalize Gay.” Now when she wore it to class, I thought, she’s just trying to provoke someone, and that’s silly. I carried on in my day, and thought nothing more of it. Yesterday, however, I noticed this shirt, and I immediately thought of a graphic designer friend who would get a kick out of doing a parody shirt, “Legalize God.” I sent him a link from the website of the creators of the shirt, a company whose stance is to be activists for homosexual lifestyle and rights. This company also publishes their catalogues with semi-nude models of both genders, and provocative clothing items. The discussion I’m getting at here isn’t on gay rights or gay bashing. My thought is, do we patronize companies like this, as Christians?
Dunk ‘Em Good – Thoughts on Baptism
Baptism seems to be a hot topic in church culture. We know that Jesus has commanded the act of baptism. But I think some people may have a misconception of what baptism is, and what it does. I know a ton of churches have analogies they use to describe what it is.
This post is designed mainly for the non-Christian, or young Christian, but I don’t think those who have been Christians for years and years can’t benefit from it. Clarification, I think it could benefit most everyone.
A little history on me, I was baptized on Easter Sunday, circa 1997. I did it for several reasons. First it thought it was the process of being saved, I didn’t wanna go to hell! Second, I chose to do it, based on recommendation of my grandparents. They always spoke of its importance. I wanted to do things right in their eyes.
Unfortunately, as kids who grow into adults, this is generally the reason, and we see so many people come for salvation and baptism, because, “It didn’t really mean anything then,” or “I didn’t know what I was doing.”
I want to be clear in saying that baptism isn’t required for salvation. “BLASPHEMY!” is what the person who stopped reading at the word ‘required,’ is saying.
Your salvation isn’t based on baptism.
As a follow up to my previous post regarding praying the prayer, and salvation, baptism is a follow up act of obedience.