Wonder vs Wander // Lost
I’ve been seeing a lot of the mantra “not all those who wander, are lost.” I hate it, but it did get me started thinking. More about our walk with Christ, than exploring. How often do you get concerned for someone who has doubt? Maybe those who start asking questions as Christians that might challenge what you’ve always heard?
I’m often guilty of this, as I know many of you are as well. Somehow in our Christian culture we have this mindset where we can’t question things or can’t feel free to work through concepts without feeling guilty or shaming others.
I want to propose this ‘Not all those who wonder, are lost,’ mentality.
I think we’ve got countless examples in Scripture of those who question, but remain obedient. So as a qualifier – questioning and doubt don’t give license for disobedience, which is sin.
The first example is found in Christ, Himself. In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus is crying out, pleading for this ‘cup to be taken from Him,’ – In a sense doubting the necessity of what He needed to do. The human element of Christ doubted slightly, but ultimately – I’m writing this now because – He was obedient.
Next – I think we see another example in the Apostle Paul – who in the midst of things questioned why he was going through what he was – eventually and through obedience, he chalked it up to gain for suffering for the cause of Christ.
What does all this mean?
I think it means when people are experiencing situations of doubt and of questioning or maybe even a ‘dry season,’ – we need not take action in the stereotypical: “I’ll pray for you,” “Y’all so and so is doubting…I had such high hopes for them…we need to pray as a Sunday school class for them,” avenues.
Rather you confront doubt and questions with solid truth from God’s word. You do it in the vein of encouragement and in an effort to edify the Body and the believer.
I struggle with this, a lot. Like a lot a lot.
I’m a problem fixer by nature, and when people don’t see the solutions the way I do, sometimes it bugs the crap outta me and my attitude reflects it. This does nether encourage or edify, and that’s a problem.
Scripture prods us to work out our ‘Salvation with fear and trembling.’* The context here is being a Light in the world. Our responsibility is to continue fleshing out our faith. As we grow, we will question things from time to time. I believe we’re actually encouraged to do so. (*Phillipians 2)
All great theologians are revered for their questioning and answer finding. I believe it to be unfair to look even slightly down on those who have doubt or questions.
So, again I tell you, ‘not all those who wonder, are lost,’ it’s time to stop treating those who do, like they are.
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