Never give money to anyone.
Hi. I want 20 bucks. Can I have it? Will you give it to me?
If you knew me, you’d probably spot me.
But what if I was homeless?
Would your attitude change then? Probably. Why?
Our culture usually associates homelessness with failure, drugs and alcohol, among other things.
So, if I was homeless you’d probably assume I was going to use it on the wrong things and offer to buy me something, like food or a jacket, in an attempt to protect me from myself.
Churchy people would use a word like discernment. How do you exercise discernment? What does discernment mean?
They’ll tell you something like “let the Spirit lead you.” What the H does that even mean? (pardon my letter.)
Here’s what I think it means:
Discernment is a level of understanding and exercising proper judgment based on the circumstances.
I think that “let the Spirit lead you” means something similar to what Scripture states about knowing who’s a Christian and who isn’t. That the Spirit will rejoice and that there will be fruit (evidence) of a Christian walk.
How does this relate to giving money to a homeless person? How can you possibly know their extenuating circumstances?
The truth is, you can’t. You can only know what someone tells you, whether you’re told a lie, or told the truth. There are tons of con artists out there. I know because I’ve been one.
I’ve lied to myself about sin; I’ve lied to others about sin in my life. I’ve conned people into believing something that, at times, I didn’t fully believe.
I bet you’re wondering what this has to do with bums and Christians. I’m getting there; I promise.
Here’s another churchy word – Obedience.
The connection here is YOUR connection with the person seeking money and your connection with God, and seeking His face. I think the automatic assumption that the use of money is for something other than what YOU intend for it to be.
Let’s be clear. Your obedience doesn’t mean automatic obedience of the receiver, nor is it your responsibility. The moment you become more concerned about somebody else’s obedience, yours begins to fade.
I believe there is no certain formula or solid answer as to who to give money to, and who not to. I believe Scripture is very straightforward when it tells us to give aid to those who need it, and to care for the orphans and widows. (Reference 1, Reference 2)
Does that mean every time? Some of the time? Every other time? I don’t know.
I don’t have an answer for that. I do believe that every action of giving should be joyful, and without reservation, as unto the Lord. (Reference) Just as tithing should be, and this giving should not be confused with tithing at all.
If this seems like a ton of rambling, I’ll sum it up, and make it much more succinct for you.
God says to give. God says when and where. God says that you should do it as if you are doing unto Him. Yes there are con artists, but even the trustworthiest of people have conned others or themselves into believing something about themselves.
Trust that God will open opportunities to give, especially when you begin to ask for those opportunities, keep in mind that your convictions are not the same as someone else, and that your obedience is all that is requited of you. You’re not responsible for someone else’s obedience. That is between that individual and God.
Seek opportunities to give, and don’t assume you know the best way to provide for people, let God dictate that.
I pray Lord that you’d give me opportunity and a means to give more and more frequently. You provide what I have and I want to be obedient with that provision. Amen.
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