
God Speaks

It’s always been taught and told to me that God speaks through His Word (The Bible). And I had always believed it, but sometimes didn’t experience it. I had learned a lot from it, and have been able to articulate great things to many people, that brought life change, because of it.

However, now that I was relying and yearning from a Word that would direct me, is when I REALLY experienced it.

You see, I was jobless for months; Waiting, praying, hoping, desiring, wanting, searching…for anything that would pay the bills. I relished the day I got my tax return. That day was probably one of the greatest moments of my 2014, so far, in my feeble, finite self-centered life.

In years past, I’ve heard God audibly. Yes. Really. When I was being a really hard-hearted person. I heard God tell me to stop being an A-hole, (pardon my letter) regarding some things that were happening around me.

Change happened, and I stopped.

Several years later, I am depending on God to lead me.

In my reading of the Word, I usually have something I’m reading through or some sort of plan.

Not this time, because I’m desperate.

I randomly, with my eyes closed, flip open the Bible and slam my finger down on the screen (thanks Bible App) and it lands on the phrase, “I have heard you.”

Chills. “Alright, God I trust that. I want to see what you’re gonna do.”

The next day, I try it again. “God, do your thing.”

“If you ask, I will give to you,” is where my finger lands this time.  “God, tell me what to ask of you, I don’t wanna ask out of selfish ambition or for something outside of your will.”

Day three rolls around. This is where things get serious. I am thinking God is speaking to me through this odd way of searching for His will, so I do it again. Eyes closed, Bible open, random finger drop.


“Uh, Lord. About that….”

I end up tithing, and the following day I am reading again, and I land upon “These things that happen are a result of me.”

Later that day, I get a phone call with the offer of a job. Fast forward, now I’m living in Philly, with a job that I’m being stretched and grown through.

His obedience to follow through on His word is unreal.
It’s a cool place to be in, where I know, for a short period of time, that I am definitely inside the will of God.

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