
Why I Dislike Scripture

Before you call me a heretic, or un-Christian, lemme explain, please.

I love the Bible. I love that God has provided us a written word that we can grow from, and learn the truths of His grace, love, and glory.

The fact that a Holy God has provided us a manuscript to know Him greater, is beyond comprehension to me. I can’t fathom it.

Going back to the truth aspect, the thing I like most about Scripture is its relevancy and truth. Those also happen to be the things I dislike most.

Dislike in the aspect that there’s so much conviction, that forces change in me; and the human condition hates change. While I embrace it, and figure things out, change is always a little nerve-wracking. If you’re not a robot, I know you can relate, at least somewhat.

Imagine what it was like, being Saul. He’s just minding his own business, you know, probably headed to kill some Christians. You know, just part of the daily checklist.

This dude doesn’t get an opportunity to embrace change, and decide to change on his own accord.

Not even close, because Jesus shows up in the moment and gets this heavenly spotlight out and pulls some kind of botched LASIK on him. Boom, Saul is blind.

And Jesus says, “Saul why are you persecuting me?” Long Story short, Saul submits to God, and The Lord changes his name to Paul. (Just incase you didn’t catch it: Change.)

Let’s break this down a little bit. Paul gets changed. He doesn’t really have a choice. He’s blinded, his name gets changed, and he regains sight when he follows the will of God. (Acts 9)

He embraced change, and arguably became the most influential Christ follower of all time.

How much more important is it, for those of us who don’t have that kind of interaction with The Lord, to embrace change?

The Bible has this habit of convicting me, and forcing introspection that causes change in me.

So, again I love Scripture but I also dislike that it causes me to change, however, I’ll deal with it because change is good.

My challenge to you reader is to embrace change and let the Word of God influence you in ways you may never have imagined. Not because it’s easy, but because it makes us better.


This post was originally written for Comments on Christianity.

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