

You know, they say that only a few things in life are constant. Some say, “Death and Taxes,” others say “change, is the only constant.” I’d agree with change. So much changes so often, and so quickly!

I recently became victim to change, again. I graduated college. I got a new job, after having the same for 5 years. I made new friends, I had to learn a new group dynamic, I am moving to a new residence, and will have to learn a new route to work. I will have to learn a different timing, and learn how to live with new roommates.

All change.

I wondered what the Bible says about change, so I looked up a few verses, thinking I wanted to talk about God’s amazing ability to be steadfast in the midst of even the rockiest moments of our lives.

I know Scripture tells us that Jesus is the “same yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” in Hebrews.

I know Malachi 3:6 tells us, ““For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.”

I know that for every action we have, God has the same reaction, every time. If I confess my sins, “He is faithful and just to cleanse me and forgive me of all unrighteousness.”

The fact of the matter is this. I change, sometimes daily. Things around me are unpredictable. I’ve come to cope with that.

“Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me,” rings through my head, and out my mouth. It’s what keeps my smile running through the days sometimes.

I had no real rhyme or reason for writing this, except for one thought:

Accept change, embrace it, because God has been there before us, preparing it for us.