Current Climate? HOSTILE.
It’s been a few days since the election for the President of the United States, and President Obama has been re-elected for a second term in office. So, even those people who live under a rock should know what’s going down now. That being said, if you didn’t know, well, SURPRISE!
It’s been long enough now that Facebook has calmed down a bit, at least in my group of online friends. It seems many times huge events draw so much fervor. It rages for days and days and days, then, suddenly, disappears. KONY 2012, Facebook Gold, football, and the list goes on and on. These all gather so much distress, or praise, and people get upset or on fire for them, then suddenly it’s withered away
So, now that many people have calmed down, I think it’s safe to make some assertions about how the Body of Christ should react to the re-election of Obama. So many people want to call him the anti-Christ, or talk about how terrible he is, or how Texas should secede from the Union. We’ve heard all this before, right? But is it right?
Scripture is clear in saying that we should be ever prayerful for him. What does that kind of prayer look like though? I think this is where so many people get confused.
(this next part is to be read in as thick of a southern accent as possible.)
“Deeeere Jezus, pleast get Obama out of office now. I know the Good Book says to prey for our leeeders, and that’s what I’m doing. Get him gone, and bring Mike Huckabee to office, because he loves you. I know you have the whole wide world in your hands, I love you Jezus. Amen.”
(accent off.)
If this is the kind of prayer that comes to mind when scripture says to pray for him, you’re wrong. Flat wrong.
You don’t have to agree with his policy, but by God, you better lift him up in prayer like no other. Maybe wishes of well health, and grace to lead a nation like ours, wisdom to seek good counsel, and power to be bold in truth. Anything other than something positive, is wrong.
Colossians 3:8 – But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.
This goes for prayer, and thoughts, as well. Like the old adage says, “if you got nuffin’ nice to say, don’t say nuffin’ at all.”
Look, I get it, Obama may not be your pick. But, instead of being filled with disgust and talking about how this nation is falling to crap, spark change. How amazing would it be if instead of talking at length about how crappy this situation is, you spent that time on your knees, or dare I say, PROSTRATE before the Lord and thanking Him for providing a leader for our country, and that you bow to God’s sovereignty in all situations, and praise His name for the ability to be part of the redeemed, who can make a difference? I think our country would be a changed place.
When you make coffee, you want to use fresh grounds and good filters and an awesome pot or whatever you want to use for awesome coffee, right? But that coffee is only as good as the original coffee that you put into it. Good coffee beans and grind, typically lead to a good brew.
The same is true in our lives. Negativity brews negativity. The more you steep in it, the tougher it becomes to be removed from it; the more it permeates your life.
Ephesians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Pray hard, pray at length, and pray with love. Be who you claim to be Church. Be who you represent. James 1:26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. At the end of the day, you represent Jesus, and dang it don’t give anyone any reasons to dislike Jesus because of you.
Obama needs our prayer. Like him or not, he’s here to stay. Get to it. Lift him up.
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