
Embrace it, things are different…or are they?


This week, as part of my final semester in undergrad studies at Dallas Baptist University, I’m taking a course entitled “Cowboy Church Culture.” No joke. This is a real class, for real credit. In fact, the course is only a workweek long. 8am to 5pm most nights this week. I will receive 3 hours of college credit at the end.

You may ask yourself why, because if you know me, I don’t fit into that culture at all. Well, to be honest, I’m taking it because I needed one final upper level religion course for my Biblical Studies degree. This one happened to fit my schedule, and I took it. I will graduate in December. Finally.

Anyway, I’m taking this course, and as you can imagine, I stick out like a sore thumb. I don’t look the part, except my waxed up mustache. That’s about as cowboy as I get. In this class, there are all aspects of cowboys, from ropers, to farmers, to whatever you can imagine. It’s here, and It’s interesting. My culture doesn’t interact with their culture…or does it?

You see, it doesn’t matter what culture you’re associated with. Be it contemporary, or cowboy, or Chinese, or traditional. It doesn’t matter at all. The reason? The Goal.

Regardless of the church culture, there is but one major goal, and that is to exist for the purpose of winning sinners to Jesus, and making disciples of believers. That’s it. It’s really simple, and aspects from any culture fit it.

Cowboy church is actually pretty interesting, and I rather enjoy my time in the course. I’ve learned a lot, and laughed a lot. I think I’ve heard the word “palpitate” more times than I can count. (if you don’t know what it means, I don’t suggest googling it. It may bring up some unwanted images.)

I associate a lot with the culture in regards to church, and the approach to church. You see, Cowboy Church exists and thrives on simplicity. Unnecessary complications are weeded out of the church, and people are won to the Lord. It’s amazing to hear the testimony I’ve been subject to these past few days.

So, to close I suppose, Jesus transcends culture, and any barrier we may build. If we keep it simple, we can win souls. Remember, it’s not my church, or your church, it’s God’s church.